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Ebook for the month is THE SMART MONEY TRIBE. – Free Download below;

Arese Ugwu in her book The Smart Money Tribe dug deeper into smart money choices and lessons for everyone; CEOs, employees and entrepreneurs. It covers various aspects of financial independence such as; how to choose investments that suit your income, when to invest, recognizing financial abuse, placing family dependency on a budget, when to choose equity or debt, being intentional about making more money, being accountable by constantly checking on your investments/savings, etc.

Few key noteworthy points from the book are;

1) “The key to guilt-free spending is setting up financial systems that allow you to know what you can afford when you can afford it.”

2) “Anyone who makes you feel bad for prioritizing your financial health isn’t someone that should be in your life.”

3) “The reality is there are only two levers that control wealth – earn more or spend less.”

4) “You can’t depend on a single income, especially not in this economy. You should have several fires burning at the same time to make sure you cover both your long-term and your short-term game.”

5) “Invest in your circle of friends because the sort of people and relationships you surround yourself with have an impact on your ability to make, keep and grow money.”

Too much insight loaded in this masterpiece, just download and enjoy reading.

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